Hillary Clinton

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Hillary Clinton is a former senator from New York and wife of former President Bill Clinton who is running for President in the November 2016 Election.

Hillary has proven herself to be a liar and an incompetent administrator with her mishandling of classified documents and her handling of Benghazi.

She has many compromising connections to sponsors of terrorism and is suspected of using her non-profit organization, The Clinton Foundation, as a an end-run around campaign finance laws, effectively allowing her to take bribes in exchange for favors while she was Secretary of State.

She is also alleged to have harassed into silence, various women who accused her husband of rape and sexual assault, and otherwise helped to cover up her husband's abuse of women.

Hillary picked Timothy Kaine as her running-mate.[1]

Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton is known to have taken 26 trips around the world in a jet belonging to Jeffrey Epstein, which had a reputation for being outfitted for orgies which included underage girls being prostituted. Epstein is alleged to have molested underage girls and procured underage girls for his powerful friends to enjoy. He was given a plea deal in 2008, without input from his victims, which got him 13 months in prison and home detention, with key evidence being left sealed. It is suspected that he may have been aided in receiving this light sentencing by some of his powerful friends seeking to keep their own crimes out from under the public spotlight.[2][3]

While President, Bill Clinton had an affair with a White House intern, Monica Lewinsky, which he lied about in court (ie. perjury), leading to his impeachment. Hillary's running-mate, Timothy Kaine, once asserted that Bill Clinton should have resigned over this affair.[4]

He has been accused of raping Juanita Broaddrick twice on one occasion and then continuing to harass her for a period of months afterward.[5][6][7] In January 2016 she tweeted "I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark. Attorney General raped me and Hillary tried to silence me. I am now 73....it never goes away."[8][9] She announced in August 2016 that she had put her house up for sale and would be moving onto a piece of property where her son lives, because she doesn't feel safe living alone at her current home anymore.[10]

Paula Jones accused Blll Clinton of sexual harassment in 1994. She has since been a supporter of Donald Trump.[11]

Clinton Foundation

The Clinton Foundation is a nominal charitable organization set up after the Clintons left the Whitehouse. The allegations regarding this charity are, generally, that it does very little charitable work, that the funds are used by the Clintons and some of their associates for many personal expenses and in order to provided favors to curry favor. In addition, it is alleged that, as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton ran a de-facto pay-to-play scheme whereby people paid money to her through her charity in order to gain access to her or to obtain special favors from her in her capacity as Secretary of State.[12][13][14][15][16][17]

Numerous questionable characters are connected with the organization, including Bill Clinton's human trafficking pedophile pal, Jeffrey Epstein.[18][19]

The investigation of emails that Hillary Clinton illegally stored on her own private server have revealed questionable ties between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department, whereby employees for the state department either ran errands for the Clinton Foundation, or later became employees of the State Department.[20][21][22] There are also numerous instances where known donors to the Clinton Foundation received what appears to be special treatment and assistance.[23][24][25] Freedom of Information Act requests, which the State Department stonewalled for 3 years, have revealed that Hillary Clinton spent an inordinate amount of time meeting with Clinton Foundation donors, that Hillary Clinton's Top aide communicated regularly with a Clinton Foundation executive.[26][27][28][29] Dennis Cheng was deputy chief of protocol for Clinton's State Dpartment, and moved from there to director of development for the Clinton Foundation, where he is alleged to have acted as a middle man, sharing donor information with the state department, as evidenced by emails that became public.[30]

Defending herself from the implication that such alleged scheme might imply that she would be a corrupt president, Hillary Clinton assures the public that she would alter the Clinton Foundation's donation acceptance policy to refuse to accept donations from foreign entities and corporations.[31] Donald Trump has, helpfully, pointed out, that this would still allow such donors to provide money via some of Hillary Clinton's smaller charities.[32] In addition, it seems plain that other methods of laundering the money through seemingly unaffiliated charities exist. This also begs the question of why such measures weren't taken earlier.[33]

The Clinton Foundation has been referred to the IRS for audit, but it is impossible to tell whether they are giving such a referral any real consideration.[34] Considering the FBI's response to her blatantly illegal handling of classified material, it would seem unlikely. Donald Trump, as might be expected, has called for a special prosecutor to probe the Clinton Foundation.[35]

Hillary has not been getting much help from fellow Democrats for the issues surrounding the Clinton Foundation. Governor Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania stated that Hillary's expressed measures to insulate the State Department from the Clinton foundation were "ineffective", and that the problem created a "bad perception."[36] He further opined, "I definitely think if she wins the presidency they have to disband it."[37]

The evidence of corruption is now good enough that the outline of several influence peddling schemes can now be traced. Radar Online has published an infographic detailing a number of schemes to varying degrees. One particularly interesting scheme involves the selling of uranium mining rights to Russia. Within days of meeting with Bill Clinton, Frank Giustra, owner of UrAsia Energy, Ltd. made a deal giving it part ownership of 3 mines in Kazakhstan, and then, a few months later, donated $31.3 million to the Clinton Foundation. Giustra then renamed his company Uranium One and then started buying up mines all across the U.S. Russia then, attempted to buy Uranium One, which required Hillary Clinton's approval. Despite strong concern expressed by multiple parties that allowing such a sale would eventually lead to Russia gaining a major advantage in the energy markets, endangering U.S. interests, including national security, Hillary expressed that she knew of no reason to be concerned about the sale, and signed off on it anyway. Coincidentally, Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 for a speech in Moscow, from a bank with ties to the Kremlin.[38][39]

Huma Abedin

Huma Abedin is one of Hillary Clinton's highest ranking staffers. She has served as vice chairwoman for Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign, and Deputy Chief of Staff for Hillary Clinton's State Department. In 1996 she began working as an intern at the White House assigned to Hillary Clinton. The same year, she became assistant editor for the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, which has been described as a "radical Muslim journal".[40][41] The Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs is noted to have assertes that Bill Clinton bombed Iraq in order to distract from his affair with Monica Lewinsky, and to have asserted that Jews are "adept at working the American political system".[42][43]

Huma's husband, Anthony Weiner, has created embarrassment due to his apparent compulsion to engage in sexting, the sending of "dick-pics" and other similar behavior, which forced his resignation from the House of Representatives, and hurt his bid to become mayor of New York.[44] In August 2016, it was revealed that Anthony Weiner was still at it and that he had sent a picture of his crotch area clothed in underwear with his sleeping son in the background.[45] On the 29th of August 2016, Huma announced that she was separating from Anthony Weiner.[46]


Opposes the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact.[47]

During her primary run against Barack Obama in 2008, Hillary Clinton, responding to pressure to exit the race, stated "My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California" fueling commentary that she was suggesting Barack Obama might be assassinated.[48]

She has accused Donald Trump of being part of a radical right-wing fringe referred to as the alt-right.[49]

List of issues to Cover

There are many issues to cover with respect to Hillary Clinton. The list below is to serve as a stub for future documentation.

External Resources


  1. "Clinton names Virginia Sen. Kaine as running mate", Fox News, 23 Jul 2016
  2. Malia Zimmerman, "Lawsuit seeks to expose, unravel plea deal for billionaire sex offender", Fox News, 18 Jul 2016
  3. Malia Zimmerman, "Obama team nixed fundraiser by attorney for sex offender pal of Bill Clinton, emails show", Fox News, 12 Aug 2016
  4. Betsy Woodruff, "Tim Kaine Once Said Cheating Politicians Should Resign—Including Bill Clinton", The Daily Beast, 16 Aug 2016
  5. Benedict Brook, "Bill Clinton’s big omission from his speech at the Democratic National Convention", news.com.au, 27 Jul 2016
  6. Aaron Klein, "EXCLUSIVE – Juanita Broaddrick Provides Never Before Published Details On Bill Clinton’s Rape", Breitbart, 10 Jul 2016
  7. Aaron Klein, "EXCLUSIVE – Clinton Sexual Assault Accusers Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey Unite Against NBC’s Andrea Mitchell", Breitbart, 19 Aug 2016
  8. Katie J.M. Baker, "Juanita Broaddrick Wants to Be Believed", Buzzfeed, 14 Aug 2016
  9. 11:42 AM - 6 Jan 2016 - Twitter
  10. Kyle Olson, "Juanita Broaddrick fears for her life: ‘I don’t feel safe anymore’", The American Mirror, 25 Aug 2016
  11. Alexandra Genova, "'We need a real President with brains and guts!': Bill Clinton's sexual assault accuser Paula Jones takes a selfie with Trump", Daily Mail, 7 Feb 2016
  12. Caroline Howe, "EXCLUSIVE: Slush funds to pay 'personal consultant' Huma Abedin, a $34,000 a night Caribbean holiday for daughter Chelsea and payoffs to silence Bill's sex accusers - How Hillary has used donations to the Clinton Foundation as her ‘personal piggy bank’", Daily Mail, 29 Jun 2016
  13. Fred Lucas, "Clinton Foundation questions hang over Dem convention start, pols seek probe", Fox News, 25 Jul 2016
  14. Mark Hosenball, Dustin Volz, and John Walcott, "Clinton Foundation hired cyber firm after suspected hacking: sources", Reuters, 18 Aug 2016
  15. Eric Bolling, "Eric Bolling: Will Hillary use her Clinton Foundation billions to help Louisiana?", Fox News, 23 Aug 2016
  16. "Clinton camp tries to deflect foreign money criticism, points finger at Trump campaign", Fox News, 21 Aug 2016
  17. "Clinton pushes back on foundation controversy, says it's been transparent", Fox News, 25 Aug 2016
  18. Malia Zimmerman, "Billionaire sex offender Epstein once claimed he co-founded Clinton Foundation", Fox News, 6 Jul 2016
  19. Richard Pollock, "EXCLUSIVE: Clinton Foundation Auditor Has Troubled Regulatory History", Daily Caller, 27 Jun 2016
  20. "Hayes on new questions about State Dept .and Clinton Foundation overlap", Fox News, 11 Aug 2016
  21. "Emails raise new questions on ties between Clinton Foundation, State Department", Fox News, 10 Aug 2016
  22. Drew Griffin, "Top Clinton State Department aide helped Clinton Foundation", CNN, 11 Aug 2016
  23. James Rosen, "State Department sought land deal with Nigerian firm tied to Clinton Foundation", Fox News, 17 Aug 2016
  24. Sarah Westwood, "Clinton Foundation drug contracts intersected with State Department work", Washington Examiner, 3 Aug 2016
  25. "Department Gave Special Access to Top Clinton Foundation Donors", Judicial Watch, 22 Aug 2016
  26. "Many donors to Clinton Foundation met with her at State", Yahoo, 23 Aug 2016
  27. "Clinton State Department Stonewalled AP for Three Years", National Review, 23 Aug 2016
  28. "Multiple donors to Clinton Foundation met with her while at State Department", Fox News, 23 Aug 2016
  29. James Rosen, "Clinton Foundation executive left 148 phone messages for Hillary Clinton's top aide", Fox News, 23 Aug 2016
  30. Catherine Herridge, Pamela K. Browne, "Watchdog: Clinton finance director was 'middle' man between foundation, State", Fox News, 24 Aug 2016
  31. "Clinton's foundation to alter donations policy if elected", Fox News, 18 Aug 2016
  32. "Trump camp: 'Loophole' would allow smaller Clinton charities to take foreign cash", Fox News, 23 Aug 2016
  33. "A pattern emerges: Clinton Inc., at home and abroad", ArkansasOnline, 24 Aug 2016
  34. "IRS looking into Clinton Foundation 'pay-to-play' claims", Fox News, 27 Jul 2016
  35. "Trump calls for special prosecutor to probe Clinton Foundation", Fox News, 23 Aug 2016
  36. "Surrogate Silence: Dem officials mum as Clinton battles foundation allegations", Fox News, 24 Aug 2016
  37. Newt Gingrich, "Newt Gingrich: There's no good reason to keep the Clinton Foundation ope", Fox News, 24 Aug 2016
  38. "Clinton Cash Map UNCOVERED! Find Out How Bill & Hillary Made $110M — But America Paid!", Radar Online, 25 Aug 2016
  39. Raphael Williams, "Memo undercuts Hillary story on controversial Russian uranium deal, Clinton Foundation", Circa, 25 Aug 2016
  40. Huma Abedin - Wikipedia
  41. "Huma Abedin worked at a radical Muslim journal for a dozen years", Fox News, 22 Aug 2016
  42. Louise Boyle, "EXCLUSIVE: Bill Clinton bombed Saddam to distract from the Monica Lewinsky scandal - what Huma Abedin's Muslim journal claimed about her boss's husband", Daily Mail, 26 Aug 2016
  43. Louise Boyle, "EXCLUSIVE: Jews are 'adept at working the American political system' aided by 'the memory of the Holocaust' - extraordinary claim made by journal where Huma Abedin was assistant editor", Daily Mail, 24 Aug 2016
  44. Anthony Weiner - Wikipedia
  45. "Ex-Congressman Weiner embroiled in new sexting scandal", Fox News, 29 Aug 2016
  46. "Huma Abedin separates from Anthony Weiner after latest sexting report", Fox News, 29 Aug 2016
  47. "Clinton, Kaine face flip-flop questions after nomination", Fox News, 27 Jul 2016
  48. "Hillary Clinton’s Kennedy assassination comment draws fury", New York Post, 24 May 2008
  49. Matt Flegenheimer, "Hillary Clinton Says ‘Radical Fringe’ Is Taking Over G.O.P. Under Donald Trump", New York Times, 25 Aug 2016