Hillary Clinton: Difference between revisions

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* Mysterious deaths
* Mysterious deaths
** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_of_Vince_Foster Suicide of Vince Foster] - Wikipedia
** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_of_Vince_Foster Suicide of Vince Foster] - Wikipedia
** Paul Joseph Watson, [http://www.infowars.com/friends-of-dnc-linked-shawn-lucas-freaked-out-by-his-death/ "FRIENDS OF DNC-LINKED SHAWN LUCAS “FREAKED OUT” BY HIS DEATH"], Infowars, 11 Aug 2016
** Martin Gould, Alana Goodman, [http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3726250/Enemies-Hillary-Bill-say-27-year-old-murder-victim-Seth-Rich-suspected-leaking-DNC-emails-belongs-Clinton-Death-List-people-ties-couple-died-time.html "EXCLUSIVE: Outrage at Julian Assange for implicating murdered DNC staffer in email leak and offering $20k reward - as the victim's parents accuse Wikileaks founder of ‘politicizing this horrible tragedy’"], DailyMail, 10 Aug 2016
** [http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/08/10/assange-implies-murdered-dnc-staffer-was-wikileaks-source.html "Assange implies murdered DNC staffer was WikiLeaks' source"], Fox News, 10 Aug 2016
** [http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/08/10/assange-implies-murdered-dnc-staffer-was-wikileaks-source.html "Assange implies murdered DNC staffer was WikiLeaks' source"], Fox News, 10 Aug 2016
** Jim Hoft, [http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/08/breaking-lead-attorney-dnc-fraud-case-found-dead-1-week-serving-dnc-papers/ "ANOTHER MYSTERIOUS DEATH=> Activist and Sanders Supporter Who Served Papers to DNC on Fraud Case Found Dead"], The Gateway Pundit, 4 Aug 2016
** Jim Hoft, [http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/08/breaking-lead-attorney-dnc-fraud-case-found-dead-1-week-serving-dnc-papers/ "ANOTHER MYSTERIOUS DEATH=> Activist and Sanders Supporter Who Served Papers to DNC on Fraud Case Found Dead"], The Gateway Pundit, 4 Aug 2016
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* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hillary_Clinton Hillary Clinton] - Wikipedia
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hillary_Clinton Hillary Clinton] - Wikipedia
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoria_Woodhull Victoria Woodhull] - Wikipedia
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoria_Woodhull Victoria Woodhull] - Wikipedia
* Ryan Girdusky, [http://www.theamericanmirror.com/leaked-e-mail-shows-george-soros-urged-clinton-intervene-albania-civil-unrest/ "Leaked e-mail shows Soros urged Clinton to intervene in Albania civil unrest"], The American Mirror, 11 Aug 2016
* [http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/08/11/cyberattack-that-targeted-democrats-reportedly-bigger-than-it-appears.html "Dems worried another hacked email trove could surface before November"], Fox News, 11 Aug 2016
* [http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/general_politics/august_2016/most_want_to_see_clinton_trump_tax_returns_medical_records "Most Want to See Clinton, Trump Tax Returns, Medical Records"], Rasmussen Report, 11 Aug 2016
* Hillary Clinton, [http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865659843/Exclusive-Hillary-Clinton-What-I-have-in-common-with-Utah-leaders-2-religious-freedom-and-the.html?pg=all "Exclusive: Hillary Clinton: What I have in common with Utah leaders — religious freedom and the Constitution"], Deseret News, 10 Aug 2016
* Malia Zimmerman, [http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/08/10/clinton-accused-aiding-moscow-ops-with-push-for-russian-silicon-valley.html "Clinton accused of aiding Moscow ops with push for 'Russian Silicon Valley'"], Fox News, 10 Aug 2016
* Malia Zimmerman, [http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/08/10/clinton-accused-aiding-moscow-ops-with-push-for-russian-silicon-valley.html "Clinton accused of aiding Moscow ops with push for 'Russian Silicon Valley'"], Fox News, 10 Aug 2016
* Daniel Halper, [http://nypost.com/2016/08/10/poll-shows-trump-gaining-on-clinton/ "Poll shows Trump gaining on Clinton"], New York Post, 10 Aug 2016
* Daniel Halper, [http://nypost.com/2016/08/10/poll-shows-trump-gaining-on-clinton/ "Poll shows Trump gaining on Clinton"], New York Post, 10 Aug 2016

Revision as of 18:33, 11 August 2016

Hillary Clinton is a former senator from New York and wife of former President Bill Clinton who is running for President in the November 2016 Election.

Hillary has proven herself to be a liar and an incompetent administrator with her mishandling of classified documents and her handling of Benghazi.

She has many compromising connections to sponsors of terrorism and is suspected of using her non-profit organization, The Clinton Foundation, as a an end-run around campaign finance laws, effectively allowing her to take bribes in exchange for favors while she was Secretary of State.

She is also alleged to have harassed into silence, various women who accused her husband of rape and sexual assault, and otherwise helped to cover up her husband's abuse of women.

Hillary picked Timothy Kaine as her running-mate.[1]

Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton is known to have taken 26 trips around the world in jet belonging to Jeffrey Epstein, which had a reputation for being outfitted for orgies. Epstein is alleged to have molested underage girls and procured underage girls for his powerful friends to enjoy. He was given a plea deal in 2008, without input from his victims, which got him 13 months in prison and home detention, with key evidence being left sealed. It is suspected that he may have been aided in receiving this light sentencing by some of his powerful friends seeking to keep their own crimes out from under the public spotlight.[2]

While President, Bill Clinton had an affair with a White House intern, Monica Lewinsky, which he lied about, leading to his impeachment.[3]

He has been accused of raping Juanita Broaddrick twice on one occasion and then continuing to harass her for a period of months afterward.[4]


Opposes the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact.[5]

During her primary run against Barack Obama in 2008, Hillary Clinton, responding to pressure to exit the race, stated "My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California" fueling commentary that she was suggesting Barack Obama might be assassinated.[6]

List of issues to Cover

There are many issues to cover with respect to Hillary Clinton. The list below is to serve as a stub for future documentation.

External Resources
