Mike Hardy/Letter 2017

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As I frequently do for local elections, I sent a letter to each candidate for mayor of Payson during the November 2017 Election, Payson, Utah County, Utah. Unlike previous letters, I included a question unique to each letter, customized for the specific candidate.

Letter Sent

I am a blogger and voter looking to find out more about the candidates for Mayor in Payson, so I am emailing all of the candidates to find out more about them.

What inspires you to seek the office of Mayor of Payson?

How would you describe the job of Mayor?

What responsibility do you see individual citizens as having in promoting their own welfare, and the welfare of society, and what kinds of limitations you see to that responsibility?

As a city councilman, what city issues did you feel were were important to you.


I decided to run for Mayor because we need to solve some very complicated issues which I don’t believe the current Mayor can solve. We have a money problem. We have about 1 million dollars a year in debt service (created by councils previous to my time) that need to be refinanced or eliminated so that we can solve infrastructure and development problems. We have been doing better in the past 8 years. We need to get better. I am running for Mayor to help solve these problems, to bring unity to City Government, and to work closely with the public in providing a better Payson. I have lived here for 15 years.

The Mayor’s job is one of rallying the troops so to speak. We need to work together as a team. We need to take input from not only the council, but staff, and very importantly from citizens. We also need to develop contacts with County and State Government that will help us solve the problems the city faces. I am the person that can do that.

Individual citizens need to be involved. It is disheartening for instance to have a budget hearing and no citizens show up to voice their feelings or priorities for our budget. Society as of late has tended to compartmentalize things. The feeling seems to be, you guys handle the city stuff unless I get mad at you and then I will get involved. We need to change that attitude when it comes to our local government.

As far as limitations are concerned, it is appropriate for individuals to promote their own welfare. That is what our economic system is built on. When they that within the limits of the law and don’t hurt others, then I feel they should be free to do what they want. Individuals also need to be involved with their government. We won’t know what ideas for solving problems that the public has that could be useful unless we have feedback.

I believe that the biggest problems we have are as follows:

1-Finding new sources of cash without raising taxes, fees, or rates, to help resolve

Infrastructure issues-Water and sewer being the two most important, with roads and storm drain obviously critical
Development issues. Citizens want more shopping, eating establishments, etc. These won’t come until we can encourage wise development.
Law and order. We have to get more aggressive.
These are just some of the issues.

I love this town. I want to help make it a better place to live. Please feel free to call me if you have questions or to write. I would love your vote.