Gary R. Herbert

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Revision as of 18:36, 22 April 2016 by Seanmcox (talk | contribs) (Added notes relating to SB 54.)
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Gary R. Herbert is the Governor of Utah, and is running for reelection in the November 2016 Election, Utah.

Is widely criticized in the Republican Party for signing SB 54 of 2014 into law, which is disliked by Republicans, because it regulates the process by which political parties in Utah, which are private organization, choose their candidates for state and county elections. Of particular concern at the time of the November 2016 Election, Utah, is a requirement that candidates be allowed to enter a race with a political party by gathering signatures, bypassing the normal caucus system, whereby candidates are elected by delegates. This creates expense for the political parties, undermines the authority of the party delegates. In Utah County, delegates were reported to have booed signature gathering candidates for their leveraging of this abusive provision, and the official party stance has been to refuse to acknowledge candidates (with either resources or endorsement) entering races via the signature gathering method.

Gary Herbert has entered the race via the signature gathering method.

He is endorsed by Senator Ted Cruz.

External Resources
